Sunday, January 18, 2009

I've been tagged by Susan...i saw it...I'm just too "in a fog" to think of anything :)


LuLuBelle said...

You always have the cutest blog.

Unknown said...

My sweet friend how are you? and let me do something for you !! Tho you are in a fog I am praying the pain at least is gone? I too love the valentine !!

Caleen said...

Hope all is well... I am in Rocklin visitng for a few days.. miss you. Let me come visit you .. please?!

Unknown said...

Do't worry...I'm not complaining! It's good to be free of the headaches. What a far, so good. But I'm so tired I am like a zombie. A headache free zombie...sounds good, huh? I'm telling you - I'll take it after 17 years of continuous headache!

Grandmotherfairy said...

I am so glad that the headaches are will get your pep just takes a little time!