Friday, June 16, 2006

My Grandma's Violets...

I had an odd day today in that I tried to remove all my music and photos from my hard drive and transfer it all to the new External Hard Drive that I just purchased. What a fiasco. I am not mentally equipped for such "simple" computer tasks. Now nothing works and I'm ready to pop a Valium. My family probably wishes that i would since they have to listen to me whine and worry and watch me pace the floor nervously. I knew I needed to think calm and relaxing thoughts...hence the photo of my Grandma's violets. I dug a couple of violet plants up from her yard when we sold her house after my grandparents passed away. I planted them in my yard and they grow wildly like groundcover which most people would find bothersome, but I find extremely comforting and desirable. Seeing them daily makes me feel like a kid I can go back in time to a simpler which didn't include External HardDrives and MP3 files. Help! Posted by Picasa


LuLuBelle said...

What a lovely thing to have your grandmother's violets in your yard!

My grandmother had violets in her yard too and the weird thing is you don't really see them much around here but she had them and I loved them. I wish I had some of those now to remind me of my wonderful sweet grandma Walker now. Maybe when you come to visit me you can bring me a start....

LuLuBelle said...

...sometimes I repeat words in sentences when I don't proof the words in the sentences for repetitive words.

Britten said...

I have always loved your violets by your front door.