Friday, March 13, 2009

My Carolina sunshine in a blossom...

"Just living is not enough...One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."

-Hans Christian Andersen

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadow."

-Helen Keller


Unknown said...

How beautiful, it makes me smile !! I am missing you friend !! I pray all is well, Love Ya R

Grandmotherfairy said...

Beautiful Kim...hope you are feeling "sunny"

Caleen said...

I love that beautiful picture and I love That quote.. I love Hans Christian Anderson too.. oh, and love you too!!

Melissa said...

Those grow in your yard? How pretty! I love flowers, but my kids always pick them too early - so I have roses with thorns. They don't like to go near those.

Rachel said...

Beautiful! Do you think I could grow that in North Carolina?