Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Fairy with Gardenia

I selfishly took a gardenia off a neighborhood shrub while on my morning walk today. My grandma always wore "Jungle Gardenia" perfume and I was in the mood to remember my grandma today. Gardenias are so beautiful, elegant, strong and fragile all at once - so like my Grandma. And of course, she always smelled wonderful ~ like a Gardenia! I miss her very much!


Britten said...

I just love your fairy and with the gardenia she looks even more splendid!

Gardenia's were my grandpa's favorite too. =)

Grandmotherfairy said...

My mom's wedding bouquest was gardenias...beautiful!!! Glad that youwere out and about!!!!!

Caleen said...

Kim, what a sweet, honored post of your Grandmother. I love the Fairy and I love Gardenia's too. They remind me of my Mother. She always had them floating in a bowl of water on our table at home. She like flowery perfumes too.. You are a sweetheart!

Amanda and McKay said...

Mmmm gardenias...

I was missing my grandma yesterday, too. She's had Alzheimer's for many years now. She loves butterflies, and I cannot see one without thinking of her.

I love you, Kim!

Anonymous said...

Oh, she was wonderful...we will always have "the lunch", I will remember that forever....Cheri

Unknown said...

We all have favorite memories of loved ones!!! It's so nice to remember special moments and qualities....thanks for all the comments. It helped me feel gratitude the whole day for the people that i love in my life then and now...and it's wonderful to know that bonds of love just keep stretching through the eternities.

breena rae said...

I was going to say the same thing Britten did...