Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Wish Upon a Star...


Britten said...

I have this on a plate!

Caleen said...

So beautiful and peaceful. I wish
I had her beautiful, flowing, bright
hair. Love it!! :)

Unknown said...

Britten, do you eat off the plate?
hee hee....i would. i'd eat truffles right off the plate!

Caleen...the main reason i like this picture is because of her glowing and long flowy hair. You and Britten both have lovely, flowing, glowy hair already though....but i'm using that wishing star and i'm wishing that in the resurrection, my hair is just like this lady's.

Britten said...

Yes, always loved the hair. No, it's one of those decorative plates that you're not supposed to eat off of. It's a shame...