Friday, February 18, 2005

I'm addicted to the picture collage thing now...

That Picassa program is amazing. I could stay up all night creating picture collages. But, i won't. I could though. did your appointment go today?


Britten said...

It went very well. The coaches at Clovis East were very grateful that I will only be over the Clovis area so that I can give them the attention they need. They said the last rep must have had a lot of irons in the fire. I think they were very pleased with me!! Yay me!!

And I'm not as nervous about it anymore...I really think that I this will be good for me and that I will be good at it!!

How did your appointment go??


Unknown said...

It was deeelightful. Nothing like a trip to the gynecologist to remind one of one's womanhood.
I am pretty much fine. Hyperthyroid and all. Gotta have a thyroid scan and a mammogram on thursday...a whole day of fun!
and blood tests galore. wahoo. Your appointment sounds way more fun. I'm proud of you and know you will do a great job.

Unknown said...

hi Feyavanya...
by the way...another little bit of nostaligia....the flowers you like in the top photo are old fashioned violets. I dug them up from my grandma's yard after she died and we sold her house. now they grow wild in my front and back yard. When i was a little girl I would race to the backyard at this time of the year and pick a bunch of the flowers. They only bloomed for about 2 weeks during Feb. Now the ones I have growing in the front...bloom ALL YEAR. I take it as a miraculous gift from my Gramma...she knew I loved them so they bloom even in the frost...She must be Galadriel on the other side......with powers...heehee...
Just another melancholy moment brought to you

Jessica said...

Kim, that is so sweet about the flowers!! I'm sure they do bloom just for you! I'm sorry about the hyperthyriod junk. I know how you feel! I had that until my body decided it liked hypothyriod better and I have had it ever since.

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica...I remember your heart palpitations...was that all brought on by hyperthyroid? It was when you were in high school, right? Anyway...tonight my heart started racing and I had to breathe into a paper bag to calm down. I look forward to getting this under control. I'm glad you're doing better. Are you at your mom's still? Or did you drive back to SLC already?

Britten said...

Oh! That is sooooooo wonderfully romantic about your grandma and the flowers!! It truly makes a great story! One that you need to write down! And maybe submit it to "Ensign"...they need more stories like that!

That is just so neat...I know how much you love your grandma. Maybe she is Galadriel in heaven! Sounds like it...
